
    ICDS Department

    1.About Department

    1.1)      Introduction :

    Integrated Child Development Service Scheme District Cell Satara is a department of Satara Zilla Parishad. To implement various programs and schemes related to the Integrated Child Development Service Scheme, schemes are implemented in rural areas through 19 projects through Satara Zilla Parishad as per the guidelines of the Central and State Governments.


    1.2)      Vision and Mission:-          

    Providing pre-primary education to children aged 3 to 6 in rural areas, reducing maternal and child mortality rates, providing adequate nutrition. Reducing malnutrition among children aged 3 to 6 in Anganwadi, promoting overall development of children, and constructing Anganwadi buildings.


    1.3)      Objectives & Functions :-

    Integrated Child Development Service Scheme Lek Ladki Scheme has been launched by the State Government for the empowerment of girls through the Zilla Parishad Satara Division. Also, a lump sum LIC benefit is given to Anganwadi workers, helpers, and mini workers after retirement, resignation, death, or termination of service. Vaccination, health check-up, referral services, nutrition education, and services are provided to children aged 3 to 6 in rural areas through Anganwadi workers and helpers. Funds are provided through DPC NABARD for the construction and repair of new Anganwadi buildings, and the recruitment and transfer process is carried out through the Integrated Child Development Department.

    1.4)      Administrative Setup:-



    Integrated Child Development Service Scheme District Cell Satara Zilla Parishad Satara It includes –

    1) Integrated Child Development Service Scheme District Cell Satara Z. P. Satara

    2) Child Development Project Officer The work of the Integrated Child Development Service Scheme  Department is carried out through this administrative system.

    icds 1


    • Integrated Child Development Services Scheme Department, Navi Mumbai

    Who’s Who (Contact Details):-



    Satara Zilla Parishad, Satara

    Office Head and Contact Number


    District Programme Executive Officer

    Name Designation E-mail Telephone No. (02162) Office Address
    Hon. Rohini Sureshchandra Dhawale District Programme Executive Officer 229888 3rd Floor, Zilla Parishad Satara Satara-Koregaon Road Sadar Bazar Satara.

    Junior Administration Officer

    Name Designation E-mail Telephone No. (02162) Office Address
    Vacancy Junior Administration Officer 229888 3rd Floor, Zilla Parishad Satara Satara-Koregaon Road Sadar Bazar Satara.


    Panchayat Samiti Office

    Block Development Officer and Contact Number

    SrNo Name Designation E mail Office Tel
    1 Shri. Ganesh Vibhute Child Development Project Officer  Panchayat Samiti Karad 02164-228844
    2 Shri. Nagesh Thombre Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Karad 1 02164-228844
    3 Shri. Nagesh Thombre Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Karad 2 02164-228844
    4 Smt. Rajshree Bane Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Patan
    5 Smt. Rajshree Bane Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti  Patan 1
    6 Shri. Sandeep Bhingare Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Satara 02162-222895
    7 Shri. Sandeep Bhingare Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Satara 1 02162-222880
    8 Smt. Shaila Khamkar Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti  Jawali 02378-285991
    9 Smt. Ranjana Bhange Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Mahabaleshwar
    10 Smt. Ujwala Gaikwad Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Wai 02167-227802
    11 Smt. Chhaya Mugdum Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Khandala 02169-252021
    12 Mrs. Priyanka Gavali Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Phaltan 02166-225860
    13 Mrs. Priyanka Gavali Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Phaltan 1 02166-225860
    14 Shri. Shankar Ingle Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Maan Dahiwadi 02165-299200
    15 Shri. Shankar Ingle Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Maan Mhaswad 02165-295016
    16 Smt. Varsharani Omase Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Khatav
    17 Smt. Sangeeta Khabade Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Khatav 1
    18 Smt. Sharda Jadhav Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti Koregaon 02163-221471
    19 Smt. Vidya Bagade Child Development Project Officer Panchayat Samiti  Koregaon 1 02163-221471




    Sr.No. Assistant Public Information Officer Public Information Officer First Appellate Officer
    1. Extension Officer No. Junior Administration Officer Zilla Parishad Satara District Program Officer (DPO)

    Zilla Parishad Satara

    2. Senior Assistant (Admin)
    3 Junior Assistant (Admin)

    Plan Document:-

    Group -A:- Lump sum LIC

    The objectives of the said scheme are as follows

    The Government is approving the provision of lump sum benefit under LIC scheme to the honorary employees of Anganwadi workers, helpers and mini Anganwadi workers after retirement, resignation/death and removal from service as follows from 30/04/2014.

    Benefit Level Anganwadi Worker Mini Anganwadi Worker/Helper
    Retirement Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs. 75000/-
    Resignation/Dismissal from service One month’s salary for each completed year of service (subject to a maximum of 1,00,000/-) but a minimum of five years of service must be completed One month’s salary for each completed year of service (subject to a maximum of 75,000/-) but a minimum of five years of service must be completed
    Death Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs. 75000/-

    Group -B:- Anganwadi Construction

    Government of Maharashtra Women and Child Development Department Government Decision No. Ebavi-2020/Pr.No.131/Ka-2 dated 31 January 2022 regarding permanent provision of at least 3% of funds under the District Annual Plan (General) for Women and Child Development Empowerment Scheme. Details of the said schemes

    The objectives of the said scheme are as follows (.pdf)

    1. Construction of new Anganwadi centres.
    2. Supply of piped water to Anganwadi centres.
    3. Supply of electricity to Anganwadi centres.
    4. Modernisation of kitchens in Anganwadi centres.
    5. Expansion of Anganwadi centre buildings.
    6. Special repairs to the Anganwadi centre buildings.
    7. Construction of separate waiting rooms for mothers in Anganwadi centres.
    8. Construction of protective wall for Anganwadi centers.
    9. Expenditure for supply and maintenance of growth monitoring plants.