
    General Administrative Department

    The General Administration Department is one of the 16 important departments within the Zilla Parishad. This department is responsible for scrutinizing, verifying, and presenting administrative proposals, files, and cases from all other departments of the Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samitis requiring the approval of the Honorable Chief Executive Officer.

    • Conducting the election processes for the Honorable President, Vice President, and all Subjects Committee Chairman.
    • Planning and organizing the General Body Meetings of the Zilla Parishad & Standing Committe Meetings.
    • Managing appointments, promotions, Ashwasit Pragati Schemes (10-20-30 years), completion of probation periods, granting stability benefits, inter-district and periodic transfers, resignations, departmental inquiries, and employee awards for outstanding performance.
    • Overseeing the operations of General Body Meetings and Standing Committee Meetings.
    • Handling administrative matters related to Class-1 and Class-2 officers of the Maharashtra Development Service and other officials in similar categories.
    • Ensuring effective and successful implementation of government development schemes carried out by Block Development Officers, Assistant Block Development Officers, Group Training Officers, Women and Child Welfare Sub-divisions (Construction and Rural Development), Primary Health Centers, Veterinary Clinics, Cluster Schools, Anganwadis, etc.
    • Conducting annual inspections of administrative work under the guidance of the Honorable Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Administration).
    • Conducting inspections of various headquarters departments through inspection teams and providing necessary guidance to improve efficiency and performance.
    • Managing the Information and Technology Cell within the General Administration Department, which updates information on platforms such as Aaple Sarkar Portal, PG Portal, online RTI system, e-Office system(conducting in Zilla Parishad headquarters & all Panchayat Samitis), and Zilla Parishad website. The cell also ensures the provision of internet facilities through LAN to all departments, maintains the video conferencing system, and provides computer training to officers and employees.

    Vision and Mission:

    • Timely verification of service-related benefit proposals and files from all departments for submission to the Honorable Chief Executive Officer.
    • Recruitment of Class-3 and Class-4 employees within the Zilla Parishad as per government directives.
    • Ensuring timely approval of retirement benefits such as pension, group insurance, gratuity, and leave encashment for retired employees of Zilla Parishad.
    • Integrating all offices under the Zilla Parishad into the e-Office system, with ongoing efforts to include Panchayat Samiti-level offices.
    • Developing a web-based computer system for archiving office records, helping departments access old documents conveniently.
    • Implementing government directives promptly and ensuring their enforcement.

    Objectives and Functions:


    • To enhance administrative efficiency and performance, ensuring better and faster service delivery to citizens & ground-level offices.
    • Ensuring transparency and accountability in administrative tasks to build public trust.
    • Empowering all sections of society by implementing welfare schemes of the Zilla Parishad.
    • Establishing the Zilla Parishad as a stable, capable, and responsive administrative system that promptly addresses citizens’ grievances.
    • Effectively implementing government policies and schemes at the grassroots level.


    • Delivering government services and schemes to the public promptly and efficiently while addressing their issues and grievances.
    • Allocating funds for departmental schemes and ensuring their implementation.
    • Coordinating administrative mechanisms at the levels of Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti, and Gram Panchayat.
    • Implementing various state and central government schemes effectively.
    • Auditing administrative functions and expenditures at Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti, and Gram Panchayat levels.
    • Providing training to officers and employees of Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti, and Gram Panchayat on various topics to enhance their efficiency and competence.
    • Acting as a coordinating body for implementing various government schemes and addressing administrative matters.


    Administrative Setup:-


    english admin setup


    Attached offices:-


    attach offices